Argument Ad Verecundiam: "The argument of an irrelevant appeal to authority is shown to be fallacious but sometimes persuasive."
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Why "11:11" is incredibly stupid
Until recently, I lived in blissful ignorance, believing that this was a relatively confined "observance," obligating a handful of believers to announce the coming of four instances of the digit 1 to all in their vicinity, as if this we're some rare and magical incident. Increasingly though, I have witnessed random individuals sharing in this belief, individuals raised in developed, thoughtful, scientifically-driven societies!
The strongest challenge I face from supporters is "you can't prove that it isn't real" and they are technically correct (you cannot entirely prove/disprove something's existence); I can, however, raise a fair number of reasons why it is incredibly ridiculous.
1) You celebrate it at 11:11AM and 11:11PM, but since a day is 24 hours long, 11:11PM is actually 23:11. Technically 10:22PM (22:22) is the third celebration - 12:00AM (00:00) of course being the first - unless of course 1s are the only magical number, which seems rather arbitrary.
2) There are 28 time-zones worldwide... so there is an 11:11 every hour (2 if you count both AM and PM), as well as 4 (8) on the 41s because the other 4 time-zones are off-set by 30minutes. Whose 11:11 is correct? If everyone's is, then can't you celebrate the magic at any 11-minutes-past-the-hour? Are you going to tell me that the magic of 11:11 has decided to respect the arbitrary boundaries that humans have established as time-zones. REALLY?
3) Our clock is pretty arbitrarily established as well - there's no reason that 5:00AM couldn't be 12:52AM if we so decided... so this magic decided to conform to a random clock as well?
4) What about when you are moving at high speed and perceive time differently? Do relativity and special-relativity apply? If so, then the magic SHOULD be able to work at ANY time and not just 11:11 because anyone could experience 11:11 at ANY time given sufficient speed.
5) What about other planets? Should we observe 11:11 zulu-time?
6) Why is the 11th second not critically specified? Does magic have a skewed distribution of it's abilities? Or can magic only specify 60-second intervals?
I'm going to take this a step beyond 11:11 as a time - several cultures (without strong histories of astrological measuring or arithmetic) claim to hold various days in high regard. A recent example is a spiritual gathering (claiming an aboriginal origin) on November 11th, 2011. (Just a coincidence to my earlier comments; or is it?... Yeah, just a coincidence.) Note: The webpage has been significantly modified in the past two days. Because a natural harmony JUST HAPPENS to occur on a day with repeating numbers, as determined by a particular type of calendar developed by some aggressive Europeans, which has been adjusted a few times, and is employed globally for purely functional purposes (many cultures maintain their traditional calendars for to keep with important observances) ; I totally buy that story. It is a profiteering opportunity; groups organize "gatherings" and offer trips so that you can be with others while living through this "spiritual experience."
Oh and #Occupy movement? I don't think you can blame the top %1 for this, but I'm sure you'll try!
I know that I sound like I'm just coming down on a bunch of people who want to have something goofy to believe in. Look, I'm fine with superstition: much of it is derived from real-life experiences, but can we keep it reined in to only moderately-ridiculous things? Please? Our world proves that no matter how smart we get, we can still make stupid people in SO MANY WAYS, if the quasi-functional among you would try to not be inculcated by these idiots I'd really appreciate it.
Friday, November 11, 2011
And a side of hipster to go
Leading the charge is the recently re-branded KFH (Kentucky Fried Hipster). "Hipsters are actually a surprisingly accessible source of lean protein. Though much maligned in some circles, hipsterism's coming in vogue of late has massively grown the existing population of hipsters" Jim Caroosh, VP of marketing, told reporters at a recent news conference.
Caroosh also said that "what's great about this is that we can tie the shift in with our health-conscious initiative, since most of these hipsters were either very health-conscious or too poor to eat junk anyway. Furthermore, with proper breeding facilities and procedures, we feel that we'll be able to maintain a strong position as a global quick-serve food distributor." While some activists are complaining about the conditions that both free-range and farm-raised hipsters may soon endure, many hipsters recognize that it will still be a step up from the squalor they would otherwise have faced.
A representative from the United States Board of Commerce has suggested that this shift could provide much-needed stability for commodities markets specializing in hoodies, skinny jeans, lumberjack shirt, fixie-bikes and indie record labels.
Other firms are advertising the use of alternative food sources. McDonalds has begun to make their burgers out of recycled tires, Manchu Wok will replace all current protein sources with scorpions and Taco Bell has announced that it will continue its longstanding history of serving a "meat-like substitute."
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Politics: Sometimes it gets spoiled
I am a fervent believer in your civic responsibility to vote. True, if you don't vote you really don't deserve to complain about the government, since you could have played a role in it being different. My opinion stems more from the belief that it is like paying a tax - a responsibility borne by those who benefit from the social services, infrastructure, security and climate that the town/province/ nation stands for. That said, you have an option when voting that doesn't involve picking a candidate: spoiling the ballot.
Unfortunately, sometimes voting sucks. I'm not referring to the long lines, the awkward locations or the obnoxious campaigns (though as a long-time conservative, I'll tell you that if their policies hadn't made me abandon ship, their overly aggressive GOTV tactics would have.) No, I'm talking about the possibility that all candidates/parties suck. It isn't exactly an uncommon occurrence. Again, I'm not talking about disliking a leader for his/her lack of charisma, but fundamentally disagreeing with his/her views and policies.
Without getting down to the nitty-gritty, here's my problem with Ontario's parties as they stand.
Liberals: McGuinty has been deceitful through his past two terms, and doesn't have a legitimate platform beneath his feet. He's going with the flow and pandering for votes while making decisions that neither reflect public opinion, nor promote a fair or competitive province. I'm tired of the lies, I'm tired of watching him and his party alienate his constituents, I'm tired of waiting for him to lay down a policy so blissfully ignorant that it drives myself and like-minded Ontarians from this wonderful province.
PC: Tim Hudak scares me. He is a hard right conservative, and proof that the PC party has dropped the progressive component all but in-name. In fact, some of his ideas are downright regressive, and that has never been good for society. Traditionally a fiscally-sound party, the PCs have adopted an extreme stance that would bankrupt countless social programs that need to be improved and streamlined rather than shuttered, all based on quasi-developed economics that tend not to work. Normally this could be shrugged off as an election bluff, and a more balanced policy would actually end up being implemented except for one thing: historically, the Ontario PC party keeps their promises. Remember Mike Harris? Forget the stigma for a moment: he kept his promises. John Robarts? Yup. Bill Davis? Yes again. That's a horrifying track-record when you look at Hudak's promises.
NDP: Apparently nobody remembers Bob Rae. Do some research, and you will find out how absolutely terrifying his tenure as PM was. The NDP blows through your money like a lending your credit card to your sex-addict-friend so he can go to a strip club. You wake up one morning and realize that you're so far in debt it'll take you 10 years to get out. If you want to be mad at Mike Harris, you need to blame Bob Rae. Harris did what he promised - he balanced the budget after Rae destroyed it. All of the damage that Harris caused can be attributed to Bob Rae opening up pointless social programs and overspending your tax money, and all because of another bad pool of candidates on election day (more on this later). The NDP is O.K. in theory - look out for everybody, fairness, equality and balance (among other things), but their policies tend to focus on those who WILL NOT help themselves, rather than the "cannots." They are the counterpoint to the Conservatives, because they throw their weight behind any quasi-progressive policy, regardless of its usefulness or actual fairness. They are best kept as a scare tactic to keep the major parties in check.
Green party: Honestly I don't know enough complete details about this year's policies, but here's a quick run at it - they are unsustainable and limited in scope, and frankly just don't have the experience or knowledge capital to handle a position of power. Their presence should help keep some focus on green initiatives, but they aren't a viable option.
Back in the early 90s, when Bob Rae was elected, the electorate was faced with a similar conundrum. No party had a good leader/platform, so when voting time came, here was the shared public idea "I don't want to support the liberals or the progressive conservatives... Nobody votes for the NDP so I can show up and do my civic duty without having to back the big guys." Unfortunately, so many people did this, the NDP took power and did immeasurable damage. It's too bad, because they had another option.
Spoil the ballot. Just about anything you do to the ballot beyond marking an X in a single candidate's box will spoil it - marking it multiple times, for example, writing on it, etc... If a large enough pool of people do this, the parties will get the hint; we don't want any of you or your policies!
This is an important tool in the democratic process because it provides a great deal of feedback that parties need to hear. They are so busy listening to their supporters and lecturing their dissenters, parties often don't get to hear reasonable objections, and when they do, often go into attack-mode out of sheer habit. Getting wrapped up in the passions of the campaign is part of the romanticism of politics. Trying to best an opponent so you can make things work "the right way," looking out for the people who got you elected, setting up policies that will get you re-elected; these often lead to forgetting about the whole "greater good" that a politician is meant to strive for, let alone the myriad of constituents that s/he is supposed to represent, regardless of their political affiliation.
Bear this in mind the next time you vote: if you don't like the options, the best way to make your voice heard is to make it publicly silent; a glut of spoiled ballots is exactly the medicine Ontario needs to get its politics in order.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Middle-Age Manifesto
Friday, August 12, 2011
Human Foundations: Part 1 - There are no natural rights
I'd like to start by making a distinction between government sanctioned rights and "natural-born rights". While the government promises to protect my belongings by means of rights of possession, there is no natural right to ownership. Aside from the age-old "who has the right to own something from the earth anyway", humans squabbled over food, hunting grounds and mates since their earliest times. Social "contracts" arose out of necessity, as humans discovered that they were often rather weak and under-equipped when facing the world alone. Thus the human became a social-creature. But that's just it, governmental rights are simple "guarantees" underwritten by the organism that embodies one of our many social contracts. These contracts only exist because from them, more effective/efficient results can be achieved.
In the economic analysis of law, it is widely discussed that laws are enacted to allow people to be more productive. How do you work to improve your garden when you must spend all day defending it from would-be brigands and thieves? It turns out that everyone is better off when we protect "rightful" ownership, which is to say we entitle resources to those who may "use them best". (That's a bit of a stretch in real life, though only because humans are far from perfect.)
The point is that there are no such things as natural rights - they arise because they allow us to create better living conditions. "What about the extension of rights to minorities and other interest groups? Are they not fueled on fairness?" I was asked once. My answer is that fairness is yet again a tool, a commodity to be traded. Now that people demand fairness (which is hardly guaranteed by nature, and I refuse to give proof of this because it is all around us), to be unfair is to spark protests, rioting and discontent; it slows the gears that keep society moving. It's all well and good to promote equity and justice, but these only exist because society works better when they do. People work harder when they are more content, this is hardly news, so society keeps them happy.
Animals do what they do best, survive, hunt, forage, build, etc... Humans, bearing an increased intellectual capacity, are fundamentally no different from animals in that we are bound by the same laws of physics and survival.
If you disagree, feel free to comment or e-mail me some of the supposed "natural rights", because though I try to be complete in my appraisal, there will be perspectives that I miss. It is worth noting that I've tried to keep my argument summative - there's much more to this type of argument, but this is hardly the venue for a full philosophic treatise.
Why does this matter? Because rights go hand in hand with morality, which I will be addressing in short order.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Learning Curve
Occasionally you'll hear that something has an extremely steep learning curve. Naturally we think steep and imagine scaling a sheer wall (or something along those lines) and the sense is that this must be an arduous undertaking. In reality, that's actually pretty far from the case.
I've set up the "Learning Curve" as a graph, with skill level (y-axis), as a function of time spent learning/practicing (x axis). For non-math people this means we are observing what happens to your skill level as you spend more time practicing.
First of all, I will make the assumption that the relationship is positive - so the more time you practice, the better you get. It doesn't seem very reasonable to think otherwise - at worst your true skill level should remain constant (even if it feels like a particular performance is uniquely horrible). At the very least, this is likely true for the average person, and so we'll ignore the fact that you're a freak with no real skills while you go cry in the corner.
I'm going to start with two people learning to yodel, with each one's learning curve represented by one of two straight lines labeled 1 and 2. (See figure below.) Observe that line 1 is steeper than line 2. Mathologists will note this means 1 has a greater slope than 2, implying that A1/B1 > A2/B2. This implies that person 1's skill level increases more for each unit of time spent practicing than 2. In nerd-light terms 1 is getting better at yodeling faster than 2 is; more accurately if 1 and 2 spend the same amount of time practicing, 1 will reach a higher skill level than 2.
So now we know that a steeper learning curve is a good thing, but how many skills have proportional returns? I certainly can't think of any, so I thought about what some common learning curve would look like.
Below you'll see learning curves that should hopefully be a bit more realistic. These two curves should represent the transition from complete beginner to advanced level rider for snowboarding and skiing.
Curve 3 is meant to represent snowboarding. The first few times you try, it is hard, painful and often progress trickles as freely as chilled molasses (speaking of molasses, I've seen a few people give up the attempt in favor of gingerbread cookies and apple cider... losers). As the curve describes, this slow start lasts for a little while, until suddenly you find that your board is underneath you, your balance is solid and you are comfortable on the hill. With each trip to a hill you get better and better, faster and faster until you've earned the right to stop terrorizing skiers and risk serious bodily harm in the terrain park. Increased risk of injury and paralysis = nirvana.
On the other hand, strap on some skis and you'll be snow-plowing down the hill in no-time. You're riding chair-lifts and going anywhere you want in a matter of days, and then you hit that rut known as parallel skiing. It takes seconds to learn the dynamics, and years to master its application - not to mention that it requires constant practice. Unlike the proverbial bicycle, if you don't use this skill on a fairly regular basis you'll wind up frisky with the snow and intimate with more than a few trees. Curve 4 tells this story quite well, you start improving quickly, but gradually it gets slower and slower until it may take you a full season to fix a handful of small problems.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Economists ruin all the fun
Granted, Harry Potter grossed a whopping 169 $mi, record-breaking first week, so you can't feel too bad for it. Except for the fact that that's a "nominal" record, but not a real one.
"What's the difference?" you may ask. Nominal implies that the numbers are measured in their own right, which is to say that they are not being compared on equal conditions. This is important because lots of factors change from year to year, let alone across a couple of years.
First off, ticket-price creep; box office prices have steadily risen since their "slashing" in the heyday of the economic slump, meaning that it takes less tickets sold at the current price to equal the revenue generated at the previous price.
Second, the massive surge of 3D movies and their subsequent raised ticket prices; ultimately the same effect as before gets taken into account.
Third, there is inflation: the general tendency of prices to rise over time. Essentially, there is no real growth (i.e. there is nothing extra being produced) but prices rise anyway, meaning that a dollar today buys less than a dollar yesterday. This is essentially a furthering of point 1 yet again; inflation means that your hard-earned dollars are now worth less, relative to before so 169 $mi today wouldn't buy as much as 169 $mi a year ago. More importantly 169 $mi today doesn't buy as much as 158 $mi did in 2007. That's right, in inflation-adjusted terms, Spider-Man 3's opening weekend was bigger than HPDHP2.
Interestingly enough, in ticket-inflation-adjusted terms (dealing with issue 1), Star Wars claims 4 of the top 10 total box office values. (I am unsure, but would tend to believe that the numbers for IV, V and VI include the re-releases of the movies.)
It is interesting to think that in relative terms, modern movies aren't cleaning up like the news would have us believe. That said, this is probably a boring post for most non-economists out there and yet another glimpse at what makes it the "dismal science."
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Is it illegal if you don't get caught?
I will reprise my argument here and open it up to attack and criticism, though, as always, I shall attempt to hide behind the shield of logic. First of all, this feels like a rewording of the old adage "if a tree falls in the forest and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?" In both cases the answer is a resounding yes.
Oxford defines the law as "the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties".
Furthermore, Oxford defines an illegal action as one that is "contrary to or forbidden by law".
By that definition, if an action is against the rules of conduct in the established society, it is illegal. There is no ambiguity in either definition that could imply the requirement of an observation and charge by an officer of the law is a necessary condition for an action to be deemed illegal.
This in no way asserts a link between legality and morality. The law could tell you that it is illegal to walk on the street instead of the sidewalk, but it seems a rather large stretch to claim that it is immoral.(Morality is a concept I will deal with another time anyway.) If you perform action X, and the rules of the relevant society state that action X is prohibited, your committing the act has violated this rule and by definition broken the law. Note again that nowhere are observation, proof, charges or a trial mentioned in the definition of "illegal" or "law", and that "illegal" is logically equivalent to "against the law."
As an extension, just because an individual is found not guilty does not mean that s/he is innocent of a crime. This type-II bias is inherent in our legal system and the "innocent until proven guilty" structure, but does not imply that the act was not committed, or that the individual is not actually guilty of breaking the law - simply that sufficient evidence is unavailable to convince the court of their actions beyond a reasonable doubt.
Anyway, it seems there's no real philosophic debate to be had here. If you don't like this, you can take it up with the Oxford dictionary's editors. They may listen, consider the appalling changes that they've accepted in recent years.
Monday, July 18, 2011
What is a good person, and why fat people intrinsically aren't good.
I imagine that this is going to come back to bite me in the butt someday, but here's a thought experiment
that a twitter conversation inspired.
I asked what is a good person? The other half of the conversation claimed that a good person has a "good heart, [is] well intentioned, generous, caring, kind etc ..." If we ignore the moderate ambiguity of some of these terms, taking them at face value and ignoring valid philosophic tangents embodied by Socratic and sophist claims as to the nature of good, we can confidently claim to have found a reasonable definition? I will try to tidy it up by polishing it all down to "an individual who takes others into consideration when making decisions, so as to make everyone as happy as possible. (We could assign economic jargon like uility and welfare to this, but we don't really need them right now, and this way all of the econ-impaired will be able to follow along). It wouldn't be hard to show how each of the aforementioned characteristics (as well as a few others of equal importance) fall in line with this simplified definition very well, but for sake of brevity, I'm not going to waste my time on that.
We can expect that these characteristics must extend to all people, no? If so, then they can extend to people who are not yet born as well, as being people, they deserve the same consideration as those who are currently alive. So then, any action taken should its impact on future generations into account. How does this make fat people bad? The top ten leading causes of death in America are:
•Heart disease: 616,067
•Cancer: 562,875
•Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 135,952
•Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 127,924
•Accidents (unintentional injuries): 123,706
•Alzheimer's disease: 74,632
•Diabetes: 71,382
•Influenza and Pneumonia: 52,717
•Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 46,448
•Septicemia: 34,828
Of these heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic lower respiratory diseases, and diabetes are all linked to obesity. The cost of healthcare in Canada was 172 $bi in 2008 and can only have grown since then. I wonder how much of this monolithic cost can be attributed to overweight individuals who are prone to more injuries and ilnesses, meaning that we wouldn't have to incur many of these costs but for the fact that these people are overweight. This debt burden isn't being paid now but is being passed onto future generations, as governments continue to kick the can down the road, to use the runaway colloquialism. (Don't mistake this as an argument for fiscal austerity.) How about the increase in waiting times because of their presence in the health system? How many hip or knee replacements they receive because they didn't look after the ones they had? How many research dollars are being spent to fix problems that are largely related to obesity when they could be directed at other, more universal problems? This is not to say that we shouldn't be trying to fix these problems; rather it is more a matter of realizing the enormous, far-reaching impact of obesity on our society.
Fat people are placing an excessive burden on society's shoulders, and how many of them can legitimately claim that it is a medical condition completely beyond their control? At SOME point it was well within the control of many of these people, and yet they ambled on to Krispy Kreme without thinking about how their decision to finish the whole box would affect everyone else. That society is worse off for their decisions never crosses their minds, and given our above definition, makes fat people intrinsically "not good."
Please bear in mind that this can be extended to smokers, drug users, extreme athletes - anyone who self-selects into a pool of heightened-risk-of-damage. At the moment though, fat people seem to be the largest drain and the most controversial one to speak of.
So that's the gist of it - the central pillar of a thought experiment I toyed with earlier today. We all have our good moments and our bad moments, but it smacks of truth at some fundamental level - if fat people really cared, they'd try harder to get into shape. Or maybe not - it's just a musing...
I will try to maintain a semi-regular updating practicing so that nobody gets inundated or bored... Also, if you want to have a discussion raised, feel free to bring and article or a question to my attention. I'll build a post around it, and then leave it open for thoughts, comments and observations.
I bid you adieu for now, but expect a post tonight!!!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Running Tips: Part 1
This post breaks from the general form of this blog, but it is relevant to me right now, so I'm writing about it
Lately I've gotten into running - I've now finished two major races; the Montreal Half Marathon mid-April and the Sporting Life 10k in Toronto last Sunday. I beat my target times on both races and am officially hooked - running is great and the races are extremely addicting. I will try to pass on some of what I have learned.
As I ran, I developed some strategies and self-motivators to keep me going, so here they are:
1.Pick a target! Look ahead, find the girl with the best-looking butt, wearing the most unique colour possible, running slightly faster than you. Then, don't lose her! Follow doggedly throughout the race. If by chance she slows down or your pace increases and you find yourself running alongside her, look ahead, find a new butt and repeat. At the half-marathon I followed over two different girls, one with a complete pink ensemble and the other rocking green pants and a blue shirt.
During the 10k I eventually located an extremely fit girl with bright pink shoes and shirt, and some pretty awesome tattoos. I followed her from just after the 3k marker until the 9k marker, at which point I burned the last kilometer (and left her behind.)
2.Take advantage of the terrain.
a. During the 10k, anytime I reached an incline or a decline, I picked up the pace. Most people pick a pace and run it, conserving energy on the inclines and declines. I realized that the shorter run meant that I'd have more energy than during the half-marathon, and could afford to expend more of it to pass the other runners.
3.Heavy wind is what separates the men from the boys - when running into heavy wind, clump in with a group of runners, placing their bodies between yourself and the wind to minimize the wind resistance that you face. Proper etiquette suggests that you rotate with the leaders in the group, but the moment you realize that the group is slowing down, step up your pace and burn up to the next group of runners. I know it works because I used this to pass about 100 runners during an extremely windy 5km stretch of the half-marathon.
More to come later!!!!